Friday, July 31, 2020 Update:
Toronto has recently moved into Stage 3 of reopening. The following may now open, with restrictions:
- Gyms and fitness studios. No steam rooms or saunas yet permitted.
- Meeting and event spaces.
- Live shows, performing arts, and movie theatres.
- Personal care services, including all services that tend to a customer’s face.
- Playgrounds.
- Recreational courses, including music lessons, language classes, tutoring, and art classes.
- All restaurants, bars, concession stands, and other food and drink establishments for indoor dine-in. No buffet service, night clubs, or indoor dancing yet allowed.
Click Here for the Detailed Stage 3 Regulations
Monday, June 22, 2020 Update:
Toronto will enter Stage 2 of Ontario’s restart phase on Wednesday, June 24, 2020 allowing a longer list of shuttered businesses to reopen including restaurant patios, hair salons and malls. What can open in Stage 2?
- Outdoor dine-in services at restaurants, bars and other establishments – including patios, curbside, parking lots and adjacent properties.
- Select personal care services – including tattoo parlours, barber shops, hair salons, day spas, and beauty salons.
- Select personal services – including wedding planning and shoe repair services.
- Film and television production activities, with limits to enable physical distancing.
- Photography Studios
Click here for a detailed list.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020 Update:
The Province of Ontario has announced that retailers, seasonal businesses and health and community service providers will be permitted to open or expand their services on Tuesday, May 19, 2020, at 12:01 a.m. Business owners must have measures in place to enable physical distancing, such as limiting the number of customers in the store and booking appointments beforehand.
- Retail services with a street-front entrance – Must restrict the number of customers per square metre — for example, one customer per 4 square metres (43 square feet) — to ensure physical distancing of 2 metres at all times.
- Vehicle Dealerships
- Media Operations – office-based
- Health Services – including in-person counselling and mental health services.
- Animal Service – including veterinarian services and pet care services, such as grooming and training.
Click here for a detailed list.
For more information:
On this page:
- Safety Guidelines and Checklists to Follow
- Where Can I Find PPE?
- Ready to Print Signage
Safety Guidelines to Follow While Operating
Ontario Sector-Specific Guidelines
The Ontario government has compiled Sector-Specific documents to help protect workers, customers, and the general public from COVID-19. Highlights as follows:
- Animals & Vet Services
- Curbside Pickup and Delivery Services (General)
- Dental Offices
- Food Retail
- Office Settings – See also guidelines specific to Admin and Secretarial Staff.
- Restaurants
- Retail – See also guidelines specific to Cashiers
- Vehicle Dealerships
- Retail Council of Canada: Retail Recovery Checklist and Templates (applicable to more than retail businesses)
- Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPC) Pandemic Recovery Return-to-business checklist
- Restaurant-Specific: ORHMA DineSafe Reopening Checklist
A specific checklist/guideline for businesses to follow before reopening should be released by the City of Toronto in the next week, and will be posted here when released.
Best Practices:
- This Guide for Businesses Reopening Safely by the City of Brockville has outlined a list of specific best practices when it comes to operating your business, including physical distancing, hand hygiene, cleaning and disinfecting, screening and communication, curbside pickup, delivery, and cashier controls.
- For Restaurants: The ORHMA DineSafe Practical Guide to Reopening, provides specific guidelines operators should consider to better control guest flow and keep your staff safe.
Finding Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Before you open, ensure you have the right personal protective equipment (PPE) and supplies needed to keep your customers and staff safe. See below for directories/options to order PPE from.
- The Ontario Workplace PPE Supplier Directory
- Thinking about buying some of your PPE locally? Junction convenience stores, pharmacies, and local other stores (like Pretty Clean Shop) may be able to provide gloves, masks, and sanitizer.
- Local business Made by Madrigal is supplying its own Health Canada approved hand + surface sanitizer. Use promo code JUNCTION30 at checkout to receive 30% OFF.
- Astley Gilbert offers Indoor/outdoor floor decals to remind of social distancing, Thermoplastic barriers, & Face shields. Email Amy Arthur or call 416-288-2775.
- Axis Gear, located at Jane and Dundas, supplies Face masks, Face shields, and Reflective plexiglass. Email Jennifer Tom or call 647-528-1032.
Ready to Print Posters/Signage
City of Toronto Signage:

1. Survey Screening Poster (Black & white version) CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
2. Survey Screening Poster (Colour version) CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD

3. Retail Screening Poster For Entrance CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
4. Social Distancing Lineup Signage CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
5. Food & Medicine Pick-up Only Signage CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
Other Posters
Posters for staff areas:
• Proper hand washing & proper use of hand sanitizer
• When to use soap and water/ hand sanitizer
• Know the Symptoms of COVID-19
• Recommended Steps for Putting On and Take Off PPE
• When & How to Wear a Mask
• Steps to Take Off Gloves
• Cleaning public areas & checklist
Poster for public areas:
• Hand sanitizing
• Physical distancing/spacing & protect yourself and those around you
• Attention Visitors
Click HERE to see other posters released by the Ontario government. Any new signage made available to use will be posted here.