Member Benefits
As a member of The Junction BIA, your business has access to a variety of benefits including:
- Advocating and lobbying on behalf of the membership as a unified voice
- Connection to the Junction brand and identity
- Participation in our annual signature programs: CaféTO (May - October), Taste of the Junction (September), and Window Wonderland (November - January)
- Participation in other marketing and promotional programs
- Assistance in dealing with the City regarding policies, permits, maintenance, and construction
- Access to our Social Media and mailing list - up to 37,000 followers and growing
- Public streetscape improvements including tree guards, benches, murals, public art, street furniture, pole wraps & banners, sidewalk cleaning, graffiti & poster removal, butterfly gardens, sidewalk maintenance, and seasonal landscaping - cost-shared with the City of Toronto
- Safety, security and crime prevention initiatives
- Representation and support at all three levels of government
- Access to funding through the Commercial Facade Improvement Program
- Access to funding through the Digital Main Street Program
- Access to funding through the Retail Accelerator Program
- Access to funding through the Commercial Space Rehabilitation Grant Program
- Access to the Outdoor Mural and Street Art Program
- Strategic plans for business recruitment, market studies, and capital improvements - leading to a proven decrease in vacancies
- Discounted advertising opportunities
- Website Member Directory listing
- Public Relations opportunities and stronger connections to the media
- Increase in property value
- Access to foot traffic and customer data to help inform marketing and operational decisions
- Investment and leasing strategies
How much Does this cost me?
As a member of The Junction BIA, each property owner receives an increase in their property tax equal to a small percentage (approx. 0.236%) of their property tax assessment. Currently, the median property owner pays approximately $179/month for services provided by the BIA. Property owners may divide this fee among their business tenants or pay it entirely themselves.