Directions to the Junction


The Junction neighbourhood is fully accessible by public transit. Here are a few options:

Take the Subway Line 2 to Dundas West Station
The 40 Junction bus leaves Dundas West Station and travels along Dundas St. West to Runnymede Rd frequently. Get a day pass and hop on & off. This is the best way to see The Junction strip!

Take the Subway Line 2 to Keele Station
Both the 89 Weston bus and the 41 Keele bus stop frequently at Dundas St. West & Keele Street.

Take the Subway Line 2 to High Park Station
The 30 Lambton bus travels from High Park Station (not fully accessible) to High Park + Dundas St W on a decreased schedule.

See TTC website for planning:

Green P Parking Lots


Limited street parking available along Dundas St. West during off-peak hours


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