CaféTO 2021- Curb Lane Café Registration Close and August Update
August 6, 2021
Re: CaféTO 2021- Curb Lane Café Registration Close and August Update
Dear BIA Representatives:
This letter is to provide you with information about the closing of curb lane café registration and the removals of Curb Lane Cafés.
Curb Lane Café Registration
Since registration opened on February 26th, nearly 1,500 applications have been processed, resulting in 1,171 restaurants supported by CaféTO. Registration for CaféTO Curb Lane Cafés will close on Friday, August 20th at 4:30 pm. Restaurant operators who successfully register by this date will have a curb lane café installed, should the café be feasible. The final installations of curb lane cafés will occur in early September. Operators will be required to have submitted a proper Certificate of Insurance and hold a business licence to successfully register.
The CaféTO website will be updated with this information. Thank you for informing your member businesses about the close of registration, and we urge any restaurants looking to have a curb lane café to apply as soon as possible so that the review and planning of the closure may occur.
Registration for sidewalk cafés will remain open through the end of the year.
Curb Lane Café Removals
It is not possible for Curb Lane Cafés to remain on the street during the snow-risk season so that winter maintenance activities, like plowing and salting, may occur safely. City-wide removal of Curb Lane Cafés will therefore commence on November 1st. With over 600 curb lane closures currently installed, the city-wide removal process will take about 10-14 days to complete. There will be further communication on the specific scheduling of curb lane closure removals when we approach the end of café season.
We urge any CaféTO participants that no longer wish to use their café to contact with their address. Should it be a standalone closure, the café will be removed by staff. Unused café space that is part of a shared closure may be offered to neighbouring restaurants or converted into a public parklet.
The CaféTO Team