Crime Prevention in the Junction

See below for free tips and resources available to businesses to prevent them from being the target of crime, including break & enters. 

Crime Prevention Facebook Group for Small Business Owners

The Toronto Police, 11 Division has started a Facebook group for business owners which provides information on the following topics:

  • Informing business owners of crimes committed in a specific area
  • Post trends in crimes targeting businesses (Crime Analysis Maps)
  • Crime Prevention material specifically geared towards businesses
  • Keeping you updated about the business break and enter trends
  • Ability to contact our Crime Prevention Office – Arrange a FREE business security assessment
  • Posting updates about upcoming online Webinars, Newsletters, and Podcasts that we may be hosting for our businesses in 11 Division

CLICK HERE to join the Facebook group

Book a CPTED Audit – Email Constable Jan Barr Today!

It may be worthwhile to use this time to schedule a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Audit. 11 Division will conduct an individual assessment of your business and provide personalised crime prevention tips. Email Constable Jan Barr ( to set up a Safety Audit today. It is a simple process that typically takes an hour.

Crime Prevention Tips for your business

Police recommend the following guidelines:

Your Cash

  • Keep as little cash around as possible.
  • Make bank deposits frequently but irregularly so as not to establish a discernible pattern.
  • Securely anchor your safe in a highly visible, well-lit location.
  • Empty your cash drawers and leave them open after hours. (consider leaving the empty cash drawer near the front door, advertising that there is no money on hand).
  • Keep the premises visible from the street; avoid blocking the interior view with high window displays and/or advertisements on windows.
  • Make sure trees and shrubs around entranceways are trimmed.
  • Don’t leave ladders or tools lying around that a burglar could use to help them break in.

Doors and Windows

  • Use deadbolt locks on all exterior doors. Those with glass should have double cylinder deadbolts.
  • Make sure you check all doors and windows each day, before closing.
  • Develop a system of key security. Make sure all keys issued are signed for and turned in when an employee leaves the company. You may even want to change locks and combinations.
  • Do not label or identify keys with what they are used for. If necessary, use a coding system.
  • If you have doors with outside hinges, use non-removable hinge pins. Install panel doors lined with metal to resist drilling.
  • Doors and windows on the sides and rear of a building are often inviting to the burglar because they offer concealment.
  • Steel reinforcing bars on doors and gratings or bars on windows offer good security. Check with Toronto Fire & bylaw regarding bylaws or codes that may restrict this practice
  • Every exterior opening offers a potential point of entry. Do not overlook security at places like fire escapes, skylights, roof openings, air ducts, doorway transoms, loading docks, sidewalk and basement openings.
  • Before you leave, check all potential hiding places, like bathrooms, closets and storage areas. The last thing you want to do is to lock a burglar inside.

Alarm System

  • Install a good alarm system and have it checked regularly.
  • Make sure it is wired to go off at all potential points of entry, including doors, windows, roof openings, loading docks and vents.

Surveillance CCTV System

  • Protect your business with a quality CCTV system.  
  • Ensure that the storage drive is recording and accessible to police when required.
  • Post signs advising that the area is under video surveillance.
  • Place height markers at the main entrance so employees can use them to gauge the height of a robber as he/she leaves the business on video.
  • Install CCTV cameras that offer nighttime surveillance.
  • Install motion-sensor lights around the exterior of the building.


  • Attend your business periodically to assess if everything is in order.
  • Post a notice on the front door stating “No Cash or Goods on Hand.”
  • Remove valuable items from the front of the store such as electronics, alcohol, iPads, expensive hair care products, & point of sale electronics.

Other general Robbery Prevention techniques have been posted HERE and follow 11 Division’s social media accounts to stay updated. 
Twitter:       @tps11div
Instagram:  @tps11div

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