Working with Toronto Police Services 11 Division, The Junction BIA will be hosting a Coffee with a Cop event, followed by individualized Safety Audits of your business by the police, to proactively prevent break & enters and robberies. Statistics show that the sharing and implementation of these crime prevention techniques can result in a marked decrease in crime in the area.
This FREE community service is part of an ongoing partnership with 11 Division to proactively deter crime and ensure that The Junction is a safe community to do business.
Come on out, meet your neighbours, and learn more about how we can protect our community! Please RSVP HERE.
Date: Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Time: 6 PM
Location: Full Stop Cafe, 2948 Dundas St W
Agenda: A 30-minute presentation starting at 6:15 PM, followed by a short and optional Q&A/Networking session.
~The Junction BIA