Call for Vendors
We are delighted to be bringing back The Junction 9th Annual Summer Solstice Festival on Saturday, June 20 from 11 AM to 10 PM. With an anticipated attendance of over 15,000 patrons, it’s going to be bigger than ever! Live music, an art market, food, craft, street performers + lots of fun for everyone! Celebrating the longest day of the year and the kick-off to summer, this year’s theme is a 60’s retro-inspired psychedelic pop-art street party! Think Peace, Love, and Flower Power!

External Vendors
See this section if your business is not located within The Junction BIA. Boundaries: along Dundas St W., west to Quebec Ave and east to Indian Grove. BIA MEMBERS: SEE NEXT SECTION
Please complete the application below. Only completed applications will be considered.
Deadline to Apply: February 29, 2020. FINAL DEADLINE EXTENDED TO MARCH 15, 2020
Contract and Payment Due: March 15, 2020.
IMPORTANT! Within two weeks of receiving your application, we will send you a Contract to return with payment (and any other required forms) before March 15.
Not-for-Profit Organization: $100 + HST
Retail/Service: You sell general merchandise or promote a service. Does not include food or drink. $225 + HST
Food or Drink: You sell food/drink items which festival goers can eat on the spot. $275 + HST
Food Truck: Selling food/drink out a truck. Max space of 10×20-ft. (ie.200 SF). $500 + HST
FOOD PERMIT: Find the Toronto Public Health Temporary Food Establishment Application form here.
INSURANCE: All non-BIA vendors must have proof of $2,000,000.00 comprehensive general liability insurance. Each vendor is responsible for their own individual expenses incurred in the setting up and the operating of their own booth including their own insurance. A copy of your current commercial liability insurance policy must be submitted in order to obtain final approval to participate in the festival.
The Junction BIA and City of Toronto must be listed as additional insured, as follows: The Board of Management of The Junction Business Improvement Area (BIA) c/o City of Toronto, Economic Development & Culture, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON M5H 2N2.
Member Vendors
See this section if you are a member of The Junction BIA. Boundaries: along Dundas St W., west to Quebec Ave and east to Indian Grove.
We hope that all member businesses will participate on the street in order to get the greatest benefit from the event.
Member businesses will have a right of first refusal over the 10x10ft space in front of their business or on a side street but must confirm their participation BEFORE February 29, 2020. FINAL DEADLINE EXTENDED TO MARCH 15, 2020
After March 15, the festival space on the street will no longer be guaranteed to member businesses and the BIA reserves the right to sell this space to a 3rd-party vendor.
Deadline to Apply EXTENDED: March 15, 2020.
PRIZE FOR BEST ACTIVATION: Members whose activation on the street best fits the theme will WIN a 4×6-ft promotional space (print and display) in our Keele/Dundas transit shelter for one month! Prize Value: $3,500. Daily exposure: 31, 266 people. THEME: A 60’s Retro-Inspired Psychedelic Pop-Art Party! Think Peace, Love, and Flower Power!
EXTENDED PREMISES: Members wishing to extend their licensed premises into the first lane of the street (to create an extended patio) must:
- 1. Obtain Municipal Endorsement from the City of Toronto. Complete the application and send it to by March 15. Note: The City will not approve applications unless they are sent by The BIA.
- 2. Send a sketch of the extended area to before March 15, 2020.
- 3. Apply for an Extension of Premises Permit from the AGCO after you receive municipal endorsement (in April).
FOOD PERMIT: Members cooking or preparing food items outside of their permitted kitchen will be required to submit a Toronto Public Health application to before March 15, 2020